Friday, May 22, 2009

Me in the Sink! (frye funny face part 5)

From April, but Mom's just getting around to posting them!

My first Baseball Game

It was a Cincinnati Red's Game, of course! Thanks to cousin Dede, Eric and Logan I got a cool jersery to wear.

On the way to the game!

My big cousins!

Visiting Cousins in KY

I got to meet my Kentucky cousins: Harrison and Andrew LaJoie

They have cool toys!

Andrew and I got to go to the Children's Science museum.

We went to the Zoo. Here I am being an elephant.

I loved the train ride!

Me and Ben in Cincinnati

Ben and I had a great time visiting Mommom and Poppo in Cincinnati.

We got to go to the Zoo.

This is me making monkey noises,

and monkey arms!

its much cooler here than in the Bahamas

I tried to ride a bike like Ben, but i like pushing it better!